What to Wear | Family Session
My hope is to create a stress free and fun experience at the time of our session... but let's be real- half of the stress is the prep.
Finding the right outfits, checking that everything fits well, and making sure that all the little people agree on their said outfits... while this may be headache worthy- I'm hoping the tips below help. And feel free to contact me to ask specifically about what you've chosen for photo day!
Tip One | Coordinate, don't match
The best outfit sets generally follow this rule. Pick a few colors and run with it. Above you can see this family chose blues, whites, and tans. All their colors work seamlessly, but they still chose a couple patterns, which add depth. I often tell clients that you can find one outfit you love (say, this mama's striped skirt or the boys suspenders) and base the rest of outfits around the colors in that outfit.
And don't be afraid of accessories. What little boy doesn't look adorable in suspenders?! What little lady doesn't look sweet in a bow or a floral headband?! If it's a cooler season, bring along a scarf or hat... texture is another component that adds depth to photos.
Tip Two | There are certain things you should avoid
You want these photos to be timeless and hopefully wall art in your home. I've found certain things just don't work. So, try to avoid the following:
fluorescent colors, athletic sneakers, clothes with characters/large logos/super distracting patterns, and I'll remind you to take off your Apple Watch and hair elastics! :)
Oh and PS--- I love bare feet. If you or your littles don't have the right shoes... no sweat. It'll just set a relaxed tone to your images... and little toes are the cutest!
Tip Three | Mom, get comfortable!
Moms, if you feel comfortable... you will look comfortable. Pick an outfit that allows movement and play, but that makes you feel beautiful. In many cases a maxi dress or a long skirt and top, does this job for you. This mama's dress was a hit... flowy, pretty lace details, and fit the color scheme perfectly. If pants and a pretty top are more your vibe... go for it! This is another option that allows you to run around and play. If you know if would make you feel like a million bucks to get your make up done or get a blow out - do it!... mom's aren't in photos as often as they should be. So I want you to feel your best in the images with the people you treasure most.